Saturday, 3 September 2011

A review of all the beers in Drink Bar - and still be sober to tell the tale?

Ok - so I won't be drinking them all in one night. There's 85 of them (in bottles) afterall. Fortunately, I'm in a position that I have actually tried all the beers (and ciders) available in Drink Bar. I had to - I own the place, and I don't want my reputation ruined by selling bad beer. We started off 2.5 years ago with a heady mix of most of the import beers available in Estonia, and here we are still standing 2.6 years later (yes it has taken me that long to write these opening lines) with a hardcore selection of beers that were at the bar opening, some new ones that have been worthy enough to make selection, and some we have lost on the way due to being de-listed, boring or just plain undrinkable.  What we haven't changed is our policy of not serving bland generic beers that most of the other bars in town sell. No A Le Coq, no Saku, no Heineken, no Carlsberg yadda yadda get the picture. Also means no backhanded brown envelopes with some nice wads of cash - otherwise known as "listing fees" or "marketing support", but hey ho, if you sell yourself to the devil, he's going to want something nasty in return at a later date. He won't get anything nasty from over my bar.

So someone said to me that I should write a review of all the beers we've got in the bar, and have it available as a point of reference. "Not everyone is as knowledgable about beers as you James". Later, as he was drinking his free beer, he remarked that I should put something up on the web. Which I did. Then I thought what a great idea it would be for me to move into the 21st century and enter the world of blogging. Initially I thought that blogging was just for ego maniac arseholes who want to tell the world their feelings (from their made up lives), but once I thought about me doing a service - a valuable service at that, in my customers interests (customers who love me and think that I am the greatest thing since draught beer), then I got over my initial shyness, realised that despite being a modest sort of guy, I am actually immensely funny and talented - especially on paper/screen, and that really I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't pass my immense knowledge on all things brewed onto worthy others.

So watch this space, keep it locked, add it as an app onto your iphone, android, alien, wind up or whatever hand held device you have - but make sure to keep the other hand free for a beer.


  1. Me me me.. good on you James, I am looking forward to them.

  2. I have seen a few different beer lists, some are easy to read and some will confuse the hell out of you. birra Black Ipa
